T-Shirts – We had to change suppliers this year so our look is a bit different, but I think you’ll like what the minds of the Ledfords and Argos have come up with for us.
All ordering will be done online this year and payments will be processed through the online supplier.
The link is: https://www.customink.com/g/hwe0-00bq-pdp2
The order is only open for two weeks and we need every participant and coach to have ordered themselves a shirt before the February 10 deadline!!
Payment can be done by credit/debit card or paypal. Remember, these shirts will be worn by participants and coaches at any and all tournaments they compete at as well as to school the day before the competitions. Of course, they’re Spirit Wear, so they can be worn to school anytime. Please feel free to order any and all family members and supporters their own shirt or even forward the link to others. The Lake Forest Contingency is known for looking great and having our presence known thanks to our coordinating shirts. The shirts (with processing fee) come to $12.44 each this year (for regular sizes). That’s a little higher than usual, but we had to pay set up charges this year due to using a new supplier. Thanks!