Click on the Image or Link below it to print the Coupon!


Raffle Tickets for sale $5 for our Gift Card Bouquet ($250 value).  Gift cards from Amazon, BWW, CFA, TGI Fridays, Fandango, Lowes, Kohl’s and more.

How many would you like to buy?

Thursday, April 13, 2017:

04-13-17 Rudy's Restaurant Coupon

04-13-17 Rudy’s Restaurant Coupon

Bring Your Favorite Stuffed Animal To School

North, South and East Elementary students can pay $1 to bring their favorite stuffed animal to school with them. Flyers were sent home from each school.

Week of April 24th, 2017:

Penny War Fund Raiser Week @ Central Elementary

Central Elementary students will be competing in a Penny War fund raiser.  More info. to come.

Saturday, April 29, 2017:


Can you bake for us?  We’ll be at Milford Wal-Mart beginning at 9am on Saturday, April 29.  Baked goods can be dropped off there or on Friday to me at Central, Mrs. Pope at East, Mr. Pope at South or any one of our WF parents would be happy to make other arrangements to get your goodies from you.  We can use muffins, whole cakes and pies (in disposable containers) or the typical brownies, cupcakes, cookies, etc… packaged to sell for $1.  Please let us know how you can help us with this event!

Sunday, April 30, 2017:

Applebee’s Flapjack Fund Raiser Breakfast

Applebee's Flapjack Flyer

04-30-17 Applebee’s Flapjack Flyer

Always one of our most popular World Finals fund raisers! Cost is $10 per person. Please contact our Odyssey of the Mind Coordinator, Pam Hobbs at [email protected] or your nearest Lake Forest Omer for tickets.

Monday, May 1, 2017:

Federica Pizza House – 15% of Bill to LFOM

05-01-17 Federica Pizza House Coupon

05-01-17 Federica Pizza House Coupon

This is an ALL DAY Fund Raiser. Present the coupon at time of order. Valid for Dine-in or Take Out. MUST HAVE COUPON!!

Sunday, May 7, 2017:

Beach Themed Paint Party and Silent Auction

We’re pulling together a Beach themed Paint Party – 3pm – Central Elementary.  We’ll have refreshments and a silent auction.  Tickets will go on sale soon.  If you have ideas or offerings for silent auction items, your help would be greatly appreciated.

Week of May 8, 2017:

Mother’s Day Flower sales at all elementary schools

Tuesday, May 9, 2017:

Texas Roadhouse Night

Coupons and more information to come.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017:

Grotto Pizza – Silicato Way, Milford – 20% of Bill to LFOM

05-16-17 Grotto Pizza Coupon

05-16-17 Grotto Pizza Coupon

From 4 PM to 9 PM, present the voucher at time of ordering and 20% of your total bill will be donated to Lake Forest Odyssey of the Mind.